Making an Impact - Sustainability Efforts at Hacienda Iluminada | 787 Coffee, Puerto Rico

Learn about the amazing sustainability practices undertaken by Hacienda Iluminada Coffee Farm, located in Maricao, Puerto Rico and discover how our efforts are making an impact in coffee and in conservation!

When we think of sustainability, we often think of reducing waste or conserving energy. What we don't often consider is the impact of our daily consumption habits, such as coffee. The coffee industry is notoriously harmful to both the environment and the communities where it is grown. That's why it's refreshing to see how this is changing and that our farm, Hacienda Iluminada is taking sustainability seriously. In this blog post, we'll dive into the efforts made at Hacienda Iluminada to promote sustainability and reduce their environmental impact.

Hacienda Iluminada takes a holistic approach to sustainability, focusing on not just environmental impact but also social and economic impact. For example, we invested in Maricao because the community had a need, it was the highest unemployed town in Puerto Rico. We have invested in local infrastructure such as roads and water systems to improve the quality of life in the community. We also prioritize ethical treatment of our co-workers, offering fair wages, benefits, and safe working conditions while stimulating personal growth, project ownership and professional development.

Secondly, Hacienda Iluminada uses sustainable agriculture methods such as agroforestry and organic practices to reduce the use of harmful chemicals and protect biodiversity. We also prioritize preserving natural resources like soil and water. By using organic practices, they avoid the use of synthetic fertilizers and harmful pesticides. Machetes over chemicals. Shade grown coffee trees and the use of our spring water to water our trees.

Thirdly, Hacienda Iluminada has implemented a waste reduction plan, which includes composting organic waste and recycling packaging materials. This helps the farm reduce its carbon footprint and avoid contributing to the growing issue of plastic waste. Less plastic… by Reducing, Reusing and recycling.

Fourthly, Hacienda Iluminada is committed to promoting sustainable practices beyond their farm. We have partnered with a few educational programs to local schools and communities to promote sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship. We also collaborate with other coffee farms to share best practices and further promote sustainability in the industry.

Lastly, at Hacienda Iluminada we recognize that sustainability is an ongoing process and is committed to continuous improvement. We regularly assess our practices here and at our 787 coffee shops as we look for ways to improve, both in terms of environmental impact and social and economic impact.

Sustainability is a global issue that requires everyone to take action, from individuals to large corporations. Farms like Hacienda Iluminada are leading by example, showing that it is possible to prioritize sustainability in the coffee industry. By investing in the community and prioritizing sustainable agriculture and waste reduction, Hacienda Iluminada is reducing their environmental impact while also improving the lives of those around them. It's inspiring to see farms like this taking strides towards a more sustainable future, and we can all learn from their example in our own daily lives.

If it’s GOOD for earth, it is GOOD FOR YOU!